Top 5 hidden causes of weight gain
Did you enjoy the holidays a little too much? Is your New Year's resolution to lose some weight? Here is what you need to know....
For many years you have been told that weight loss is straight forward - eat less and exercise more. Unfortunately for many people it is just not that easy!
Whether you are a woman with perimenopausal or menopausal hormone problems, or a man with low testosterone, weight gain is typical (in fact the average woman gains about 20 pounds as she goes through menopause!).
Thyroid hormones and stress hormones including cortisol and DHEA closely regulate whether you burn or store calories. Insulin is a fat storing hormone, so if you are creeping towards pre-diabetes (or if you are already there) your body will tend to store fat even if you are not over-indulging.
Obviously hormonal balance is important for successful weight loss. But sometimes it is just not enough.
Apart from balanced hormones and good lifestyle habits, did you know that there are often many other underlying factors that are affecting your weight?
Here is a list of the top 5 hidden (fixable!) causes of weight gain.

1. Food sensitivities. It is very common to develop sensitivities to common foods. A sensitivity causes low grade inflammation which promotes weight gain. Changing nutrition to avoid the foods you are sensitive to can help with mood, energy, memory, joint pains, digestive symptoms, menstrual problems as well as weight gain.
2. Toxins. There are tens of thousands of chemicals that we are exposed to on a regular basis. Many of these are “hormone disrupters” - meaning that they interfere with metabolic processes and hormonal balance. We know that people with higher levels of toxins tend to be more overweight and more likely to have diabetes, as well as many other hormonally related problems. Avoidance of toxins and learning how to help optimize your natural detoxification pathways can be a very important step in weight loss.
3. Dysbiosis. This is a word that means there is an imbalance in your “microbiome” - the trillions of micro-organisms that live in your digestive tract. If you have too many of the wrong bacteria and not enough of the good health-promoting "probiotic" bacteria, this is associated with weight gain. In some cases the bacteria literally cause us to extract more calories from the same amount of food.

4. Candida. Overgrowth of digestive yeast (candida) is another common problem. Candida causes sugar cravings that can be quite severe, making it much more difficult to avoid the sugary junk. Candida also causes bloating, brain fog, fatigue, and hormonal imbalances

5. Inflammation. If there are too many inflammatory chemicals circulating in your blood stream, these directly cause problems with insulin and cortisol, resulting in weight gain. Insulin and cortisol can contribute to more inflammation - so a cycle is created where your body wants to store more fat...
As you can see, the "calories in vs calories out" equation is not the whole story.
If you have hormonal issues, these must be addressed.
In addition to balanced hormones, a medical weight loss program that addresses ALL of these underlying issues simultaneously is much more likely to result in successful longterm weight loss.
As the above issues are corrected, you won't just lose weight, but you can expect to FEEL better! Symptoms that commonly resolve include fatigue, brain fog, bloating, joint aches, mood problems, and quality of sleep.
If you are ready to lose weight now, please know that there are options and that we can help! Call today to get started! 704-752-9346
If you have hormonal issues, these must be addressed.
In addition to balanced hormones, a medical weight loss program that addresses ALL of these underlying issues simultaneously is much more likely to result in successful longterm weight loss.
As the above issues are corrected, you won't just lose weight, but you can expect to FEEL better! Symptoms that commonly resolve include fatigue, brain fog, bloating, joint aches, mood problems, and quality of sleep.
If you are ready to lose weight now, please know that there are options and that we can help! Call today to get started! 704-752-9346
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